Romania needs the gospel and I am an evangelist at heart. There are 8000 villages without an evangelical church in Romania.
Tell Romania is involved in supporting evangelism and church planting through personal involvement when visiting the country and also by raising interest and support for local pastors in differing situations in Romania from local churches here. There are some churches who would benefit so much from a full-time ministry, others need finance to complete building projects which were started quite a few years ago. Radio Voice of the Gospel, Mission trips involving students from Emanuel University, Summer Camps with children from Emanuel Hospice, Iochebed or Casa Grace also are worthy of support.

My vision is to continue to be involved in evangelism when I get opportunity. But also to seek to be guided by God in funding others who are seeking to set forward the work of the kingdom.
It was my privilege to witness God at work among the gypsy community and today there is a church in Odoreu where more are coming to Christ and the young church has caught the vision of reaching out to other communities. Further churches are being ‘birthed’ as God by His Spirit moves among them. This work is still ongoing.