I am passionate about the need to teach sound Biblical Truth. After more than 50 years as an Evangelist, Pastor and Bible College Principal in Northern Ireland and, in more recent years, ministering in Eastern Europe, I am convinced that telling out the Truth has never been more needed. The exhortations of the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul two centuries ago are vitally relevant for such a time as this.
Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31,32.
And Paul wrote: “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour,who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:3,4
These pages include carefully prepared notes:
– of lectures to students
– of sermons preached in various churches, the contents of which are evangelistic
– of other sermons and articles for the building up of the Lord’s people.
As far as the lectures are concerned, I have endeavoured to acknowledge sources. The sermons, however, were prepared under the pressure of maintaining a ministry in preaching Sunday by Sunday and midweek, while lecturing in College on various subjects at different levels, plus providing Masters/PhD supervision/reading for various students during the week! So in the sermons, I may not always have provided references where help has come from.
These notes in fact were never actually published, but were used simply as a basis in preparation. Thus, the preaching was not note-bound but extemporary and I trust under the guidance and enabling of the Spirit.
You may use these notes freely in helping you in the formation of your own preaching as I did in mine. All that I stipulate is that they are not published as your own words.
Use the links on the menu on the left to explore the notes available on this site. A great collection of notes will be edited and added but will take some considerable time to complete, so please come back regularly to check out what has been uploaded.