Following my surgery, I found myself facing many challenges. I proved that no matter what I was going through, I was certain that the Lord was with me and that whatever He started, He would take me through. I still have a ‘way to go’; but have such a peace in knowing that once I cast my fear, weakness and share my heart, the Lord will take me through. Please pray for me.

Estera writes:
‘Thank you so much for continuing to support us in prayer and beyond.’
Please pray for Nico’s family. The little boy passed away last week. It was a hard time for the family to say goodbye to this precious little one. Three short years of memory.
Florin (14) has one remaining treatment of chemotherapy to be followed by radiotherapy. For him, the treatment is so hard. He faces a difficult time balancing between continuing the treatment or to simply ‘give up’. Florin needs our love and prayers.
Ana (54) has advanced cancer. Ana lives with her husband; they are a very poor family who are supported solely by the feeding programme. No one should know the pangs of hunger.
‘We hold sister Shirley close in our prayers! May God give her healing and strength during these difficult weeks.’
NB: Kevin is recovering well. His doctor is content with his progression. The surgery had 21 stitches. He will need to make some recovery to his right arm as the surgery was on his right shoulder. Kevin’s mom managed to build a new room for Kevin so that he would not stay in the same room with his grandmother. They are now trying to furnish the room, and because it is starting to be cold, Kevin was overwhelmed by the gift of a stove to heat his room during the cold Romanian winter now upon us. ‘Sister Shirley always remembers me’.
Adriana visited Lucretia who is suffering from cervix cancer. She has thirteen children, but none of them take responsibility for their parents. Most of them are working in other countries. Lucretia and her husband are raising a granddaughter, because her mother (the patient’s daughter) didn’t want to take care of her. They have very little income from which to live; without the feeding programme they would also go hungry.
Pray for Iosif’s parents. The young patient (23) died last week from a brain tumour. The family are in deep grief because of his loss, but in the middle of the suffering they have hope that their son is now in Heaven. He testified that he wanted to give his life to Jesus prior to his health deterioration.
Sister Maria is undergoing chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Her husband is suffering from dementia which is now in an advanced stage. Recently, sister Maria’s kidney failed to function properly because of the chemotherapy and now she has a nephrostomy too.
‘May God rest His almighty hand on Sister Shirley.’
Gabi writes:
‘We are praying that God’s power touches our Sister Shirley. You are a great blessing for us. God bless you, we hug you, Sister Shirley.’
Laura (29) is a mother of two children (8 years and 6 years old). She found out at our centre she is six weeks pregnant. Laura was frightened as during the summer she went to a doctor to receive treatment for gynaecological problems – she interrupted the treatment because she had no more money to pay for it. Laura’s desire is to keep the pregnancy, but she doesn’t know if she should owing to the health issues. May God give her power and heal her!
Mândra (27) has eleven children (12 years, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1 year and 4 months and twins of 1 month). Mandra was discharged from hospital ten days after the birth of her twins and the babies are being fed with dried milk. One of the twins, Bobi, was born with a distorted leg and his leg was put in gypsum. He has changed the gypsum five times now. The doctor recommended surgery, but Mandra is afraid and is praying for healing as God healed her baby that is 1 year and 4 months old and walks normally. May God touch baby Bobi and heal his leg!
Please pray for Narcisa, a single mother that will give birth in five weeks. She is a special case whom we helped with medical tests and an echography. She needs support in prayer in order to have a normal birth.
Monika shares:
Starting this year with a heavy winter, it has melted my heart that, through His providence through you and your support team we can give essential food and hygiene. Even cold days warmed because of the very hard days of war, we had to realise that your support, again meant the love of God for all the children, teenagers, and their parents and or grandparents going through crisis.
Monika and Robert are a family with great needs. Monika is very sick but must work in order to live – they couldn’t pay their expenses. She has glaucoma, eye pressure, blood pressure, and needs to have an eye operation due to a skin that is growing on his eyelid. They are responsible not just for Monika’s family. They also help their large family – her mother, her brother and his family (he has three small children). It was very difficult for her to be accepted at work because she is so sick. Her husband works in building and they have been renovating their derelict home for twenty years at week-ends. They live in a small house with two rooms. They appreciate the food they receive each month from CASA Grace and they share this food with their large family. The family has a son who is a student at university and their daughter is a student at college. They are very good students. The mother has had a very low level of education and this is the reason she encourages their children to have a good education.
Nora and Zoltan are a family composed by parents and two daughters. They take care of Zoltan’s father who is sick and very old. The father had problems at his job in such a way that he became mentally ill and he had to change his job. He worked in a cake shop and now he works as a chef in a restaurant. His wife donated a kidney for her brother because he had cancer. She is a sensitive person, internalised. They are more withdrawn with others. They have two teenage daughters. They live in a derelict flat in much need of repair.
Laszlo and Eva are retired grandparents who raise their granddaughter Reka from the first marriage of their daughter who is divorced and remarried. Reka has an advanced form of asthma. Because of this medical condition her grandfather has to transport her everywhere by tram as he does not have resources to purchase fuel for his very old car, . One of their problems is providing wood because it is very expensive. Their pensions are very small. The grandmother has to work to maintain their needs.
As a team we send love and prayers to dear Sister Shirley – she is very precious to us.
Shirley – November 26, 2022