‘If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness’ (Isaiah 58: 10)
‘How big is possible?’ Embracing another year of service in Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace and Iochebed, I walk slowly into what is yet the unknown requiring attention, and with the support network of the Tell Romania family, we will come to personally experience as we read in Isaiah 40: 28-31 ‘The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable…’ ‘How big is possible?’. With God ‘ALL’ things are possible.

One vital requirement is that I must open my heart to others and prayer must be my first priority. I must make the choice of total surrender; more importantly to learn to wait and in the waiting, maintain trust. Difficult times knock at every door; broken hearts hiding behind a faint smile fill many church pews. Storm Eowyn brought devastation, destruction and tragedy, a day when many were flooded with fear, a day when change came suddenly and without warning. As the storm passed, I opened my heart to the Lord, thanking Him for His covering, His protection and for all He has given to me. A wave of gratitude swept over me as I felt His love. My opening case study (Dana) moved me, so much so. I prayed: ‘Lord, fill me with compassion that your healing stream may flow through the smallest expression of my love’.
Dana has just entered her thirteenth year. This young girl has just given birth to a baby boy weighing (3.3 kilos) by Caesarean section. The father of the baby refuses to accept responsibility, Dana and her baby son will live with her widowed mother. There is an older brother of eighteen residing in the home. No time to grow into adolescence as the reality of responsibility has come quickly for this child. Please pray this family will feel the true sincerity of our love as we support the baby for the next two years.
Sabina (23) is the mother of three children aged five, three and two years. The little one of five has multiple disabilities. She is twenty-five weeks pregnant with her fourth child and overcome with fear as her consultant has informed here that during the birth of her third child there was a major complication. Overcome by fear, a decision was reached to carry out a complete investigation; the diagnosis was deemed false. Please pray that Sabina will know an inner peace and give birth (without complications) to a healthy baby.
Alexandra (30) is the mother of six children aged thirteen, eleven, nine, seven, five and one year). Alexandra has known many dark days, enduring the pain of three miscarriages, going through the trauma of divorce from her husband where no sunshine appeared after the many storms created in their marriage. Alexanra has met a man who is considerate and hardworking and prepared to start a new family together with her and her six children. She is now eleven weeks into another pregnancy and is afraid as she is feeling unwell. Alexandra has cardiac issues and on medication for high blood pressure. Our prayers surround this family that the Lord will lighten her heart, give sustaining grace and erase the past memories into a brighter tomorrow.
Mariana. My friend Maud has been a blessing to Mariana and her seven children for many years. Mariana has known the pain of suffering during her forty years, losing her young husband, losing her home in a fire, cancer continuously ravaging her body; her emotional pain has been great. A recent report has confirmed that Mariana will be required torepeat specific tests as they have discovered a new tumour within her abdomen. The tumour will require immediate surgery. We have been supporting this precious family for many years, we have come to know them and to love them. The path ahead is unclear and the little ones need their ‘Mummy’ as young Mariana too has had to undergo major cancer related surgery. Help Tell Romania to clothe these children with courage, to clothe Mariana with hope. My heart aches as I ask you to pray the Lord will grant her time with her children and time to accept Him as her Saviour and Lord. We pray the Lord will create thoughts of a new outlook on life for Mariana, knowing that when we go through times where we are too weak to cope with all that this life throws our way, two strong outstretched arms call us to ‘COME’.
A Roma family classed as untouchable. Thank you for pouring out your love to this family in making it possible for our feeding programmes to continue to four Roma children aged five, six, eight and fifteen. Remus, Stefania, Ana and Lore thank you for placing bread on their table. Four little darlings, abandoned by their parents, are in the care of their elderly grandparents who feel your care and know your love is genuine, as you are feeding their grandchildren and feeding them. They live in a village approximately forty minutes from Oradea, (my home) and attend the local school. The expression of your love through your monthly support is shaping lives.
Albert (10) living with his mother Noemi is reaching the end of their two-year support through our feeding programme. Two years of counselling, support, giving and receiving, but now suddenly alone again. Perhaps anxious moments, days filled with fear as they recall leaving their village home behind owing to the abuse of an alcoholic and violent husband/father. Days of uncertainty followed finding an affordable place to live, a new school for Albert. Through all of this, young Albert had to watch his mother go through life-threatening surgery. We give thanks to the Lord chemotherapy is not required. Pray as they reflect, a source of light will shine through, that as they receive bread, the Bread of Life will reach and touch their broken hearts. Recently, Albert and his mother have been attending a village church where the gospel is preached. May the shadows of the past, the hurt, the painful memories be removed and may Noemi and her young son Albert come to know the security of a loving Lord.
Loredana (31) a Roma mother with two sons: Mathias (12) and Romeo (10). Loredana is alone, again untouched by love, hope or acceptance. Yet the love for her precious boys is evident even though there are days they go hungry. They live in a small rented apartment, with no up-to-date appliances, literally existing from day to day. Recently, a shock diagnoses of a brain tumour has rocked this humble home as her oldest son, Mathias has also been diagnosed with a knee tumour. Urgent investigations are now taking place. Difficult moments for the boys, as their young minds are filled with uncertainty, insecurity. Real people needing the compassion of our love. May each hot meal we provide assure them they are not alone.
Pety, an 18-year-old young boy has been diagnosed with Sdr. Proteus syndrome, a rare syndrome which significantly affects his mobility. Despite these challenges, Pety is surrounded by the unwavering love and support of his devoted parents. Unfortunately, the family are facing an additional burden as Pety’s father has been diagnosed with cancer, leaving them grappling with immense emotional and physical suffering. Amidst these trials, Pety’s mother consistently is in prayer, voicing her expression of deep gratitude for the spiritual support uplifting the family during these difficult times.
Zian is a brave five-year-old boy who is currently facing a challenging battle with a brain tumour. Unfortunately, his condition has recently deteriorated, making it necessary for him to undergo major surgery in order to address the issue. The prospect of going into hospital is filling his young heart with overwhelming fear, as he doesn’t fully understand the reason why and what is happening. His parents are in a state of deep anxiety, with so many factors to process. The trauma and worry is heartbreaking for them as young parents. Pray for this precious family as they navigate an open road during this difficult time. To know and feel your support would be a blessing during these next days of great uncertainty.
Elisaveta has been a dear patient of ours for some time now; she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a number of years ago. Her husband and their granddaughter have been caring for her, Sadly, her beloved husband, who suffers from dementia, has become more and more affected. His illness has aggravated rapidly so that now often he not only forgets to return home but is unable to remember where he lives. The decision has been made that he must now be totally housebound. Their granddaughter is a young student. The demands of her academician curriculum, the responsibility of both grandparents, maintaining the household and the medical requirements have become a real burden for this young girl. There is no ‘care package’. Please pray for those who care for loved ones; pray for those who live a life within the silence of loneliness with no one to care. We count our blessings.
Malina is a patient with liver cancer; she lives only with her husband in a remote village in Bihor. The two elderly people are alone most of the time. They have a son who is trying to help them as much as he can; but it is difficult because he lives in another city. For the husband, it is very difficult coping with the prospect of losing his wife, especially because he knows that after her death he will be very alone. Remember the hurting, those going through painful times.
Let me share a quote I came across in a book I have just finished reading:
Dependence on God is a place of safety and freedom. As we learn to trust Him, we can experience joy and move in strength, even if life does not get any easier’. Continue to pray for our patients and families.
The first month of 2025 has passed, I hold my precious colleagues namely: Estera, Adriana, Monika, Dana, Berta, Neli, Mari, Gabi, Loredana, Mihaila close in heart, praying that they will have a renewed energy as they enter 2025. The work of Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace, Iochebed differs, yet, all with one common denominator – the work is demanding and exhausting. Pray their strength will be renewed and that their physical and mental exhaustion will be given the energy required. Walk with me as I focus on reaching out beyond the boundaries, as I enter the pain and concerns of those who have no purpose, no aim, no goal, those who purely survive. Together, may we be a source of healing to the hurting. In closing, I wish to update you on three of my Hospice patients:
Bogi is stable. He spends most of his time at home, some students from Emanuel University visit him occasionally. His father is now at home assisting his mother in taking care of him. His mother, who has different health issues, finds it difficult to take care of herself, as care of Bogi is her priority.
Andra was hospitalised prior to Christmas suffering from severe pneumonia. She was fully dependent on oxygen, which led the doctors to keep her hospitalised for her safety. We provided her with oxygen at home, making it possible for her to be at home with her family for Christmas.
Diana continues to deteriorate. Each day is a precious time with her two little girls as Diana wants them to remember her. She is unable to walk now and is painfully thin, hence, physical therapy to regain strength in her muscles is extremely difficult especially when there are no positive results. Her daughters are praying for a miracle that will make ‘Mummy’ well again. Her eldest daughter is totally committed to her Mum. Diana has confided in our team that her mother will become the legal guardian for her two daughters when she has died.
The Toma Family – please continue to hold them close in your heart.
I’m Lorena, thank you for paying my bus pass so I can attend school. I am happy because the school means a lot to me, I even go to school when I am ill. School is for me a place where I learn to think, communicate and discover my passions; a place where I can find new friends and discover who I am. The school helps me build a brighter future for myself. I thank you again for helping me.
My name is Carina, I want so much to go to school. My mum doesn’t have the means to support me. There is no money to spare for the bus pass charges. We are barely managing; we only receive little from the alimony and from the State Social Support. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help you have given me until now. Without your help, I would not have been able to attend school, it is a great blessing for me. Thank you for everything you are doing for us, we have no one to care for us.
Shirley, January 28, 2025
42B Bernice Road, Craigarogan, Co Antrim. BT36 4QZ