The stillness of my heart

August 2016 was the last time Carla (Lorena’s Mum) heard her little girl speak or saw her play in the remote village of Mihai Bravo. Her beautiful dark eyes now dull with pain as she lies day after day unable to

communicate. The only sounds heard are those of pain and suffering.

Lorena was in my heart all day yesterday, the freezing conditions in Romania,

Minus 15. My heart ached and I longed to be near her, just to hold her close.

In Jer 2: 2 we read ‘I Remember You’ reminding me that I am always in His

thoughts. Again as I read in Psa 68: 10 ‘Thou, O God, hast prepared of Thy

goodness for the poor’. How our Lord loves and so must I with complete

confidence in the Sovereign Goodness of God. Last evening before retiring,

I received the attached pictures from Estera; tears filled my eyes as I saw

Lorena’s smile. What a Faithful God we serve, answering my prayer and

stilling my heart. You created this smile through your Gift of Love. ‘You gave

a cup of water and a bite of bread too’. Thank you.

Andrada (4) (affectionately known as Dada) was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. Then, aged only 2, this

little darling faced many treatments of chemotherapy. Yesterday her

mother received the news her little one has relapsed and she is devastated.

Andrada needs to start chemotherapy as soon as possible but her family have

no money to pay for the treatment. They are a very poor family who live in a

village 40km from Oradea. She will require two rounds of chemo (each one

costing 2,000 Euros). But they cannot afford or raise this vast sum of money.

The people from the village are seeking to support this family but further

urgent help is required. The doctor expressed Andrada has a good chance of

survival, although a Bone Marrow Transplant would need to take place in

Timisoara during March. These are only two of many!

As I launch ‘GIVE WITH YOUR HEART’ Appeal to run throughout 2017, my ordinary faith needs to become

extraordinary, trusting the Lord, knowing that He alone will support it, increasing my faith moment by

moment, day by day as I depend on Him. It is not about money or asking for money, it is sharing the

passion, the desire of Tell Romania to provide the urgent needs: Monthly Food Provision; Medicines;

Finance for Medical Treatments/Scans. But more importantly to share the hope of the Gospel. I ask that

you stand with us that God may be glorified and the faith of His children be strengthened. The Orphan

without father, mother; the Disabled, weak in mind and body; the Abandoned, crying out just to be loved;

the hungry and dying… We can be instrumental in bestowing blessing to those who have no one to care.

Why are so many of God’s people poor, sick? Not mine to question, I must trust knowing that the Lord has

infallibly foreknown every one of them and is aware of all the needs of His

poor children. I treasure in my heart the words of our Lord: ‘You are poor and

needy, but He has thought of you’. £1,000 is our aim each month to enable

£500 to be forwarded to Emanuel Hospice and £500 to Casa Grace

Foundation to provide food for the poverty stricken families within their care.

Every Home Crusade kindly printed A3 laminated posters for the use of

churches, groups, individuals who wish to organise a specific event. If you feel

the Lord directing you please contact us:

Tell Romania, B5 Ocean Green, Ocean Drive, Portstewart, Co. Londonderry,



Shirley, January 10, 2017

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