It is only in the honest heart that ‘sowing’ can take root.

I Peter 2: v 3 ‘Now that you have tasted that the Lord is good’. Taste delights the palate with many forms of delectable flavours of sweetness and refreshment.   We all have tasted the graciousness of our Lord; the love of Christ is a precious delicacy as I sip His sweetness and taste His delights. His grace, His plan, His purpose draws me to Ephesians 1: 11-12 ‘In Him we were also chosen …..’

A speciality of grace can be identified in every child of God, as can the flowers in God’s garden. All requiring love and care. Unless I am prepared to show how much I really love how much I really care, how can they ever know the love of Christ?   I need to love as Christ would love, giving of my time, moments precious to me, with no concerns about tomorrow, knowing it already rests in the palm of His hand.

Now into my second week, I am drawn to Matthew 18: where we read ‘And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them’.

Lately my blogs have been centred around my heart recognising the call, the challenge to impact ‘the precious little jewels of Romania’.   But the key to opening the door of my heart must be Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness ….I was moved as I entered the Hospital wards with Silvia where loving parents sat quietly by a bedside. The pain in my heart was real as I chatted with parents and children, one little girl of two stole my heart, she was so cute and sang in English ‘Five Little Monkey’s’, her Mum was so proud. Their days are long, nights are short yet through it all they smile, just so thankful someone had time for them. The question I asked myself leaving: is my heart a harbour where many can anchor? The following morning, still heavy in heart, quiet in spirit and struggling emotionally I longed for our Worship Service in Emanuel Chapel. Even before 10 am, a large number of students had assembled to rehearse their worship songs, the presence of the Lord was so real, you could reach out and touch it.  Later, Dr. Paul Negrut introduced a guest from USA,

Dr.Gary Mathena, Director of Liberty University School of Music, who rendered his latest composition entitled; ‘Even For One’. I was broken as I listened to the God inspired song assuring us that He is the One who will sustain us, enabling us to open our arms in love to those facing darkness and despair. My thoughts turned to my time in Casa Grace, a place of shelter, offering comfort in hopelessness by sharing the love of God in a practical manner. The talent displayed in the Sewing Room, the determination of the four mature students in the IT Class was special.   Special because each one needed love and assurance that someone cares.   Next week I have the opportunity to visit another arm of Casa Grace – Kingdom Kids. This is a new work for me and I will be updating you once all my visits to the various works have been completed but one thing I can see, God made a way where there was no way. One gentleman whose wife died from cancer, now left alone to care for his 30 year old severely disabled daughter, confined to the rented room as he had no means to take her outside. God did make a way!  Dr. Moore and I were ministering in Limavady Baptist Church some weeks ago and one gentleman asked as we were leaving: ‘Could you use a wheelchair?’ Through this man’s heart, God’s provision brought hope to this precious man. Another gentleman (Grange B.C.) delivered School furniture, laptops, desktops ……………… the laptops in Casa Grace were 20 years old! The new composition filled my heart – ‘Even for One’.

Just arriving home after spending the morning with the Mandrut family. Acim and Florintina live in the Roma Community of Alesd with their four children, Acim, Narcissi, Maria and Ishmael, Florintina will go into hospital next week to give birth to her fifth child. I saw true acts of love from this godly mother, their humble one room was spotless and they couldn’t wait to show me the ‘new’ room our work team painted. They also built a roof conversion, certainly much needed accommodation. The joy and happiness, obvious from the permanence of love in this tiny room – surely an important place to begin. We had great fun in sorting the items Estera and I had brought for the ‘new arrival’. ‘Where is the cot, where is the pram?’ I asked. There wasn’t one! Both are on the way plus a teddy bear. In comparison to our personal relationship with brothers and sisters, God’s perspective is far greater and surpasses ours. We bought food from the funds so lovingly supplied by all who lovingly donated to the ‘Hospice Feeding Programme’ 2016 ‘The Hungry Fed, The Humble Lifted High’. BUT the biggest surprise of all was the box of Cadbury ‘Heroes’ one of the fifty boxes lovingly supplied by a friend in Coleraine Baptist Church. They had never tasted Cadburys chocolate before – Thank You for giving to the Lord.

Many of ‘My Girls’ have been coming to room 205. They are so precious to me. I love to see them relax on the settee sharing their hopes, dreams, ambitions but there are disappointments too.  I am so privileged to be part of the life of Emanuel University, to be part of this family of God where we are loved and accepted for who we are. The ‘Prof’ treated his boys to KFC as a ‘Thankyou’ for their assistance in unloading the lorry last week. The students have been arriving to collect one box of books each (2,000 donated) sorted by Andrei, Oana, Ligia, Madelina and Natalia. They were still working in the darkness of the corridor last night and knocked at 205 just to say ‘Noapte Buna’ (Goodnight) Sister Shirley.

I love this family of God, because we are indeed close in heart and one in spirit.

Another day, Emma is calling at 10 am then I am off to sort various items within Campus then meeting Monika in the afternoon.

Saturday, 22nd October, (our 4th Wedding Anniversary) ends the second week with the wedding of Nicu and Alexandra. Nicu is now pastoring in First Baptist Church Bia Mare. He has been a very special student/young man during our time here. Dr. Moore will be one of the six pastors participating in the wedding ceremony.

Next week is already booked solid with visits planned to Elizabeth, Ella, Denisa, another visit to Casa Grace also meeting Marinela to discuss the Feeding Programme for 2017. The Beauty of Holiness Group are meeting with me on Wednesday; do remember our time together.

Dr. Moore is busy writing his third publication on the book of Galatians, meeting with the faculty, organising the International Conference, the publication of the translation in Romanian on the Pastoral Epistles which will be distributed free to all attending the Pastors Conference held 16 – 18 November.

How do we spend our time in Romania?   Gifts differ, ministries differ but it is the same God who works in all and through all.

Please do remember us

Shirley, 21 October, 2016.


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