FOR CHRIST’S LOVE COMPELS US – 2 Corinthians 5:14

7.21 am – a sound (so familiar to my ears these days) my husband’s mobile ‘whistling’ the arrival of another text! Although I felt as if I was still asleep, I found myself silently praying ‘Lord, what now?’

Suddenly our two bedroomed apartment resounded with ‘Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord’. I am fully aware that since we returned home mid June, our ‘Summer Vacation’ has been filled with action packed adventure. I acknowledge one container is achievable for two people – as I type we have sufficient to fill three containers and with this latest text perhaps a fourth may be required!

As we entered Coleraine Baptist Church for the Sunday morning service two weeks ago (tomorrow), we were greeted by a brother whom we had not met before. Now, this same brother was texting my husband, offering the work of TellRomania 18 Bunk Beds, Settees, Folding Dining Room Tables, Stacking Chairs, Kitchen Utensils, Large Pool Table and Trampoline – we do not source, we do not expect yet higher hands direct ‘our way’ in endless supply but always sent and marked with His seal of approval. My husband and I were speaking at Magherafelt BWF last night and upon arrival so warmly met and welcomed by Daphne, Julie and Helen. Dorinda arrived armed with boxes upon boxes for TellRomania even though (hours earlier) had just sent a garage full of items in a van to the Ballyclare store. It accompanied the lorry taking Window Frames, Windows, Doors and Roofing for the village of Odoreu supplied by David & Ian Henry of Henry Brothers, Magherafelt. Dorinda handed me a list stating the items sent to Ballyclare, as I came to the second item I stopped! Why? The second item read ‘ 18 Duvets, Covers, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets’. Yes the exact number of bunk beds offered earlier yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recalling Monday of this week as Dr. Moore and I set off to meet Pastor David McFarland and his wife Joanna – entering his study – there on the wall was: ‘If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it’! This hit home targeting the area of concern as to how and will we ever manage to turn the ignition key to GO! This certainly is a time in the life of Tell Romania we have never encountered before.

How much do I owe the Lord? How could I ever number His blessings, His provision, His sacrifice when He gave His all! Think upon His love, I certainly need to throw out my love even to the point of sacrifice of time and energy – if it doesn’t hurt – it doesn’t cost!

I GO forward with TRUST, no ‘if’, no ‘perhaps’ no ‘if only’ – I personally need to advance beyond these boundaries knowing that He who began a good work will complete it.

Do pray for Dr. Moore and me as we now seriously consider the financial requirement(s) of the containers. We are currently updating our web site ( and have added a media page where current pictures are available for you to view plus personal interviews with my husband.

Luke 24: 28 ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?’

I end with the words of the Master: ‘It is I be not afraid’.
