God is Moving!

God Is Moving

God is moving by His spirit
Moving in all the earth
Signs and wonders when God moveth
Move O Lord in me.

Why is this chorus running through my head this morning? It would be classed to-day as ‘A Golden Oldie’ . Memories of Mum singing to me (as a child) cause a smile and yes a deep longing fills my heart just to hear her sing once more! Our lives are filled with longing, desire. Psalm 84: 2 ‘My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God’. Here, the Psalmist was expressing his longing, desire – to enter ‘His’ courts, to dwell, to rest in the shadow of the Almighty – a place where ALL is available. V5 ‘Blessed are those whose strength is in You’ – the latter part of the verse: ‘who have set their hearts on pilgrimage’.

I refer to my last update written 20 September 2014 where nearing the end I wrote ‘I GO forward with TRUST’. No ‘if’, no ‘perhaps’ no ‘if only’ …..Every day new discoveries of God’s blessing(s) and provision accompany the serenity of mind creating an ever increasing awareness of a deeper, purer, spiritual fellowship with the Lord. A one to one relationship with my Heavenly Father whose eye is ever watching, whose ear is always listening, whose heart is always tender! Do I possess a Servant Heart, a heart for high and low? Am I helpful or has my heart become self centred? Am I constantly ‘in touch’ with His plans – yes to the point of total submission that ‘where He may lead me’ – I will ……….!

One could never have anticipated the vast enormity of God’s Bounty sent our way. It is now the responsibility of TellRomania to accomplish the task assigned – One Container sent June now we have four ready to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you lend your AMEN(S)? There is an air of excitement, of expectancy. Day by Day, God is confirming, stamping His seal of approval, proving that He has already ‘begun the work’. The past week-end was another amazing journey of discovering His bounty, His provision.

Dr. Moore was fulfilling preaching engagements in Portadown B.C, Ballee B.C, Carnalbanagh, Killicomaine B. C, Omagh B.C. You ask, ‘why is this so significant?’ At each church I was approached by ladies (whose heart the Lord had touched) Our car was filled from roof to floor with baby hats, vests, cardigans and blankets. During the summer, I met with two young Doctors from Cluj and their need was in the premature and maternity wing(s) of two hospitals. This particular need was not only ‘on my heart’ but burning ‘within my heart’. Again, the Lord confirmed His hand is over and in all!

This morning Estera (one of the Doctors) sent an email urgently requesting – yes – baby hats, vests, cardigans and blankets. It was with joy in my heart I replied boxes already packed and will be with you by the end of October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will update you after my return from Cluj next week end. ‘What A Mighty God We Serve’!

Dr. Moore and I prayerfully considered ‘we must needs go’. We have been in discussions with Emanuel University where Dr. Moore is required to commence teaching the Masters Programme mid October and December. Also Dr. Marius Sabou, Racatau, Dr. Ovi Hanc, Arad, Pastor Alin Farr, Sanmartin Brother Mihai Bulc, Orphan Village of Felix and so we leave for Romania on Friday, 10th October 2014 to visit these various projects of mission. We will return home to oversee Container 1 leave as planned on Saturday, 25 October filled with a consignment for Racatau. Container 2 will leave soon after when plans will be co ordiated regarding Container(s) for 3 & 4. Our sense of duty is to equip, infuse, entrust but keep building stronger, higher walls of security for the lost.

FIVE containers since June of this year ! The Lord has given us the greatest gift of all – salvation, eternity – what gift can we give in return? These ARE days of ‘abundance of rain’ – continuous raindrops continue to fall – plan to be part of this blessing to the One who givest ALL.

The latest confirmation that all is in ‘Higher Hands’ and ‘Higher Authority’ – a group of brothers met, read our update(s), projects, touched by what the Lord is doing, wanted to be part of the blessing to be ‘partakers’ and so they have sponsored the 2nd container. Now we look to the Lord that through the work and supporters of TellRomania – the work of restoration can commence. Joy, brokenness, hands of love and compassion not just reaching but touching the lives of our brothers and sisters.

The end is not yet – another telephone call from Susan, ‘ Shirley, I have 40 Electric Profile Beds looking for a good home’ – those of you whose friendship has become so important, who stand with me – of course you already know the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘Yes Please’! Only this morning, David Morton who is in Cluj just now is sourcing a location for me to oversee next week-end.

Pastor Jackie King (Calvary Baptist Church) has been in constant contact during the past few weeks and they (as a Church) have undertaken the Kindergarden Project in Arad. Another answer to prayer. Pastor Ovi Hanc together with his wife Emma hold the Pre-School Nursery as a Gospel Outreach – again this morning my husband received an email outlining the various requirements. We are so encouraged through the support and genuine love of the Lord’s people displayed so readily so timely ‘for such a time as this’. We cannot, we could not Go Forward without you and so we ask you to stand with us in prayerful support especially remembering Dr. Moore and I as we take this vital Mission Trip next week. Yes! God Is Moving By His Spirit and He is moving in ALL the earth!

I wonder what tomorrow will bring!

I end as I began (thinking of Mum singing) ‘Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand’!

I extend my hand to you in the bond of friendship – take hold of it – keep us close in prayer during these crucial days.


02 October 2014